Monday, January 22, 2007

Guatemalan Men Have Purses

Speaking of purses... Jamie has something to put in hers. MONEY! That´s right folks, after 3 full days of begging and pleading with Banco some-thing-or-another, I am no longer broke in the mountains. Ahh. But, don´t think that came easily.

After hitting bank #1, where I was again told to come back manaña, I tried for bank #2 across the street before I was decidely going to just lie down in the lobby in protest until they had no option but to hand over the dinero. Thankfully it didn´t have to come to that. (And don´t think I wasn´t going to do that, by the way)

After receiving the cash I hiked around Pana for the day, met up with Mary (from the taxi ride on my first day, which seems like a lifetime ago at this point), did a little shopping and cappacino sipping.

... And out of fear that I am about to offer a very vanilla description of a very neopolitan day, I am ending this entry. Yes, there is so much more to share about Monday January 22, but I must do so at another time. For now, just know that I am happy and sun tanned, with money, surrounded by general goodness.

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